
Monday, June 6


Remember back in January when we wrote about the dilapidated table we found - Faded Elegance or Too Far Gone? We wanted you to have the end of the story...

It was a back and forth "discussion" about whether this table was too big a mess to be a table anymore or just tear it apart for the special details and moldings. Well, the table literally ended up as pieces in a pile in the garage. Our dear neighbor couldn't believe that it wasn't all just junk. (And secretly I thought she might be right!)

But my amazing husband resurrected this piece with skill and when it was done it was amazing!!
What an accomplishment for an amateur woodworker-who-can-do-just-about-anything.
She was sold at the Farm Chicks Antique Show (more on that fun event to come) last weekend and has started her next 100 years.