Ike for President! (Dwight D. Eisenhower, US President 1953-1961)
At a yard sale this past weekend we were lucky to find about 40 darling little posters hand made by a Spokane schoolteacher, vintage 1960's and earlier, used to teach very young students how to read. It was fun to dig through the box of old paper treasures to find old dittos (remember dittos?) of children's poems, Smokey the Bear coloring pages, a tiny leather-bound dance book from a 1927 Gonzaga prom, and a newspaper clipping with the headline from Saturday, February 1, 1969 declaring "Spokane Leads U.S. With Depth of Snow." (Hey, so what else is new?!)
We arrived home with things like a chair made in the 1870's, a very primitive but cute fishing rod that reminded me of something Huck Finn might dangle from his river raft, along with several old oars and paddles.
I think maybe we are celebrating the arrival of summertime here in Spokane (at long last). It set off a free flow of ideas for a theme at our next sale - the Vintage Barn Antique Show in Rathdrum, Idaho on July 10. We are really going to have fun and feature things that hopefully will make you smile and feel like a barefoot kid on summer vacation!

This is my personal favorite from the teaching posters mentioned above. Notice the one on the right. Rude awakening on the way!